As today is my marriage’s 45 anniversary, this column was well timed. One addition: marriage like so many other parts of life, are a process that needs tending and work to produce the true joy of a successful, productive relationship. Mazel tov!

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i too love love. i’m a lover even without a lover. my dating life was a disaster so i decided to step away from it until i feel ready to come back. the kind of love you described, that’s what i want. i don’t want toxic, codependent relationships anymore! i’d rather be alone if i can’t have that. i’m so happy you found your partner/husband. wishing you all the best! x

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I also read that somewhere and love the idea of having someone to witness your life and you theirs…it’s such a beautiful concept!

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This is amazing and so relatable. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations!

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As someone who just got married about two months ago, I resonated with this sentiment wholeheartedly! I met my now-husband when I had grown into my independent self, and he as well, and we’ve just had a partnership and relationship that feels uplifting and intentional. I knew I wanted to marry him and be by his side the rest of our lives. Congrats to you!!! Enjoy all of the wedding fun!

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Have a wonderful wedding day, don’t sweat the small stuff, something minor will go wrong and those bits will become part of the special memories you can smile / laugh about for all your days together going forward.

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